Clear-com TWC-703 2-Channel TW Cable Adapter

Clear-com TWC-703 2-Channel TW Cable Adapter

Our Price: $580.00
Availability: Usually ships the same business day


Clear-Com Encore™ is a family of simple, effective, and robust 2-wire analog partyline devices which can be deployed as system components or whole systems of various sizes and operational complexity.

Adapt Mode: Dual Channel 3-pin TW Line TWC-703 combines two single channels from a Clear-Com partyline system to a TW line, allowing dual channel TW segment to be added to any Clear-Com partyline system. TW connectivity provides the system with the simplicity of standard 3-pin XLR cabling when using TW compatible user stations, such as the RS-703 beltpack. TWC-703 seamlessly converts partyline audio and call signaling between Clear-Com and TW partyline segments while passing through Clear-Com termination and power. This adapter provides an automatically managed power protection for the TW segment to protect against shorts and overload conditions.

Power Mode: Optionally Augments System Power TWC-703 can inject power to the TW line using the optional PSU-EXT-003 power supply*. Using the unit’s optional DC power input, the TWC-703 can relieve the task of powering the TW line off the Clear-Com Power Supply or Main Station, enabling creation of larger systems with minimal expense and effort**.

Standalone Mode: Smallest Dual Channel Intercom Powered with the optional PSU-EXT-003 power supply* the TWC-703 can be used as a standalone TW Power Supply. In this mode, the TWC-703 automatically engages termination for the TW output and can power up to (12) RS-703 beltpacks or their equivalent.

Key Features and Benefits
  • Clear-Com to TW Adapter
  • Converts 2 Clear-Com Partyline channels to 1 dual Channel TW Partyline
  • Translates Audio and Call signals
  • Auto Termination Management
  • Auto Power Protection

Used with optional PSU*
  • Independently Powers TW Output
  • Standalone Dual Channel TW PSU
